
The Leathes Head Blog

May 2024

The weather has been mixed in Borrowdale this month, ranging from really hot, dry, sunny days to wet ones. Still, this is a temperate rain forest as recognised by others.…

March 2024

    It’s a glorious spring morning in the Borrowdale Valley. And a real joy working in the garden listening to the birds, and the male mallard scuttling about the…


Today has been an exceptional autumn day in Borrowdale with clear, sunny skies. There are a variety of tree leaf and bracken colours in the hotel gardens and on the…


4 September The weather has been glorious these past few days in the Borrowdale Valley. The last spell of good weather was in June – the last time a blog…


June 2023 The weather in the Lake District these past two weeks has been wonderful: clear blue skies, warm but not too hot for a walk up Catbells or a…


16 May The azaleas are in full bloom in the gardens: their colours a brilliant range of reds and pinks. And our resident Mallard duck, which has been nesting next…


30 March As ever, this seems to be a month with more than the usual dramatic changes. There was heavy snow fall this year in the Borrowdale Valley and the…


15 February The weather has been dry and mild recently in the Borrowdale Valley. With this encouragement, the early spring flowers are making an appearance particularly snowdrops which are in…


January – The wettest month in the Lake District Calendar As the dawn of the New Year is upon us, the Leathes Head Team are busy with tidying up the…


  This has been the coldest week for at least a decade, the temperatures dropping to minus 7 on many nights. Yet, it has provided so many wonderful sights: full moons…